happy to be a north dakotan @ heart!
back to monday!

Drew will be so embarassed that i posted these pictures. he is not a big fan of baby legs for boys! but i could not love them more. they will be so great for this summer too when he is in a onsie and hanging around and sitting up!!! i think they are jsut too cute! :)
We all headed back to my parents on Friday afternoon--Dillon was thrown a baby shower by my best friend from high school and her mom! It was a perfect day and again Dillon got showered with many gifts! he is one lucky baby----i dont think he even knows how lucky yet! :) THANKS so much betsy and mary for the wonderful day! Saturday night we headed back home---Gramma Barker was anxiously waiting to see Mr D. She came over for a visit---we thought he would be wide awake since he slept most of the shower and then the ride home too.... but no he was so tired out!
Please Pray
theres gonna be a floody floody....
i do believe he has my facial expressions. the eyebrow burrow--the squinty face and nose wrinkle..the big mouth ;) those could not be more me. not sure if that is good or not. it is for sure good for me. i need something to prove he is mine!!! :)
home sweet home........

i am just so in love with this smile, this face, his cooing, this whole little boy! it is crazy how fast he is changing and becoming such a little boy. he holds his head up so well and would sit up or stand i think if he had the choice. he is such a joy and i know now when people say every stage gets better. i have loved each and every day but each day gets better and better!!! how can you not love that smile!?!??! ---he looks more and more like his daddy each day.

these are from drews phone. he took one of our cameras and it never got used....
dillon and i were home @ nana and papas all weekend! we had a good time and some good weather. Friday we went on our first walk outside--on the first day of spring. it was so nice out---and dillon loved the fresh air....well for sure i did!!! :)
we are off....
happy st patties day!
monday came and went fast..... dillon slept almost all day. i think he was having a bit of a growth spurt. b/c when he was awake he was not happy..... went to bed pretty late but slept like a dream! so i can not complain! it was my birthday yesterday too and he gave me the best present ever.... a big smile in the morning! that is all i can ask for. he has smiled b/f but it is not something we get often yet.... i am working on him right now........ he does a elvis lip lift alot.this weekend we had a blast @ the rufers party! of course we were the last to leave once again. nothing like getting home @ 4am. if we were smart we would have come home @ 11pm and got some much needed sleep! oh well we had so much fun!
drew is heading to the cities tomorrow for some work (some if the key word) and then lots of fun @ the FINAL FIVE hockey tournament! GO SIOUX SIOUX!!!!!
and dillon and i are heading on thursday to my parents for a long weekend! they are jsut getting home from my sisters house --- she and her husband are in hawaii for a wedding so they watched the 3 kids.....and now get dillon and i. they are going to be tired out!
go get jacking!!!
all snug in bed....
more weekend photos
i love snow days!!!

the elliott 5 generations! you do not get to have this picture very often! Great Great Gramma Elliott was really excited to have this done! so fun to see all the generations together!

we watched the fighting sioux hockey game on FRIDAY night---we are the WCHA champions! so we all had all of our SIOUX gear on... dillon only fits in his hat so far..... but he had a closet full of SIOUX clothes... 3 jerseys, hats, shirts and even shorts! they way he is growing it will not be long and he will be wearing them all!!!!